digital illustration of isra, smiling gleefully as he holds a contract to the viewer. a line on the page, 'sign here,' is highlighted in bright green. in isra's other hand, he holds up a fountain pen, whose ink flows out like a thread from the contract. the lighting in the piece is harsh and blotchy, and shadow details are done in black, reminiscent to comic-book cel shading.


creation date: oct 11

characters featured: isra

i found old art of isra that i'd redrawn last year once already n i wanted to draw it again.

the pose looks pretty basic here but it was actually SO hard to nail. a lot of weird details accumulated into an overall odd pose: head tilted slightly down, body turned, shoulders lifted up, both arms bent but at different angles and holding different objects... i had to redraw it so many times cuz the arm facing the camera looked too stiff/uncomfortable. still kinda does in a way, but i still think the final result is neat. better than the last ones anyway LOL

older versions (JUMPSCARE)

scribbly digital artwork of isra holding a sinister expression, done in an anime-esque style
from 2023
clunky digital artwork of isra, in considerably less detail
from 2021